Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Skuad Sayang Langkawi buat kerja amal di Pulau Tuba
AL :
Mana elok kita puji..
300 Hotel Room Boost For Langkawi
AL :
With the increase of room we hope LADA & local authorities will also increase the marketing of Langkawi as a tourist destination. We wouldn't want the hotel to be empty wont we?
Tiga ribu ahli koperasi KPD Langkawi dapat dividen
AL :
Tahniah .. Baguih la KPD. Mmg yg terbaik. Patutnya koperasi di Langkawi yg lain boleh tiru depa.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
PNKL Rancang Wujudkan Restoran Ikan Bakar Dan Chalet Di Langkawi
Anaklangkawi :
Di alu-alukan PNKL adakan medan ikan bakar di Langkawi. Chalet rasanya2 tak payah pun takpa sbb dah byk dah chalet di Langkawi. Tapi medan ikan bakar amat diperlukan kerana tak banyak resteron ikan bakar di langkawi.
Langkawi kaya dgn sumber lautan tetapi di eksploitasikan sepenuhnya. Ada kiranya ikut mcm medan ikan bakar di Umbai melaka sebagai contoh..
33 Pekerja Hotel Di Langkawi Diberhentikan Tanpa Notis
Anaklangkawi :-
Perlu dikaji prosedur perberhentian adakah mengikut garis panduan akta pekerja. Setahu cek kalau nak berhentikan pekerja mesti diberi pampasan yg sewajarnya kalau mereka adalah pekerja sepenuh masa. Tetapi lain la kalau pekerja kontrak. Jika pekerja kontrak sekalipun mesti mengikut LOA (letter of appointment).
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Bot ambulans‘direhatkan’ - M V Suhail
Monday, June 14, 2010
Meritus Pelangi ~ China Acrobatic Show 2010

Feast yourself with our International BBQ Dinner while drive yourself to the experience & thrill of a lifetime - Meritus Pelangi presents - From China, Shanghai Acrobatics Troupe!
Changing Mask – The face changing, or “Bian Lian" in Chinese, Performers wave their arms and twist their heads, and their painted masks change repeatedly.
Date : 18 June 2010
Time : 7.30 pm - 10.00 pm
Place : Pelangi Grand Ballroom
Tickets sold at RM99.00 nett per adult and RM55.00 nett per child all inclusive of show & International BBQ dinner.
Call now for bookings! :
Mr. Ardi Suardi – Resort Asst Sales Manager, Ext: 6916 or Mobile 012 365 3625
Anaklangkawi :- Its an event not to be missed. Event will be held on 18 June 2010 & i bet a lot of tourist will flock the event.. If you're planning to go book in advance.
Hole in The Wall Kg. Kilim ~ Cari Makan Langkawi

Makanan yg menarik disini ialah makanan yg 'fresh'. Kalau memilih ikan pilihlah ikan kerapu misalnya tapi jgn masak yg 'fancy' sangat. Cukuplah sekadar ikan bakar. Jgn lupa 'order' jugak udang masak butter. Dia punya sotong goreng tepung pun menarik.
Telefon nombor Resteron : 04-967 5301
Lokasi : Kg Kilim
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The ferry owned by Sunflower Sdn Bhd, which plies the Kuala Kedah-Langkawi route, was being tested following repairs.
The owner of the sunken boat, Mohamad Musa, 58, said his boat was tied to the side of the platform and several friends were nearby making preparations to go to sea in the evening when the incident occurred at 2pm.
"I saw the ferry, Marine Star 3, speed up after making a U-turn and crash into my 15-tonne boat from behind, causing it to sink slowly.
"The speed of the ferry also caused it to crash into a 50-tonne boat and damaged its cabin, but thankfully no one was injured," he said at the scene.
Mohamad, who estimated his losses at RM50,000, lodged a report at the Kuala Kedah police station.
A spokesperson of the Kuala Kedah Marine Department said they would retrieve Mohamad's boat from the water.
Anaklangkawi :-
I don't know how come this thing can happen. Maybe mentality of the captain boat cruising the ferry is terrible. How come they cant see the small boat in their way.
If its in land the licence can be revoke by in the see. I see the enforcement was quite lenient.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Doktor turun padang beri rawatan percuma
“Atas kesedaran itu, kami bergabung menyertai kelab sukarelawan untuk melakukan program ini bagi membantu masyarakat,” katanya ketika ditemui di pusat Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti, Kuah. Sementara itu, bagi Nur Akmalina Mohd Isa, 24, program sukarelawan ini sinonim dengan dirinya. Nur Akmalina berkata, sebelum bergelar doktor dia ditanamkan sikap suka membantu dan prihatin terhadap kepayahan. Menurutnya, program ini adalah kali kedua disertai selepas Kuala Nerang pada April lalu. “Kami perlu ubah cara komunikasi dan terminologi perubatan bagi memudahkan orang kampung memahaminya. “Pendekatan secara langsung dan menerangkan kepada mereka mengenai sebarang penyakit serta memberi tips kesihatan adalah yang paling penting dalam berhadapan dengan masyarakat di luar bandar,” katanya.
Sinar Harian
Anaklangkawi :-
Elokla.. Sekurang2nya ada jugak doktor yg baik hati turun ke padang..