KUALA LUMPUR 24 Ogos - Kerajaan tidak pernah menerima cadangan daripada mana-mana pihak termasuk dua syarikat di Perlis untuk projek membina jambatan sepanjang 48 kilometer menghubungkan Langkawi dan Kuala Perlis.
Menteri Kewangan Kedua, Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah berkata, sehingga hari ini projek berkenaan tidak pernah dibincangkan.
Beliau yang juga Pengerusi Bersama Lembaga Pembangunan Langkawi (LADA) memberitahu, pembinaan jambatan itu tiada dalam perancangan projek oleh agensi itu.
"Projek tersebut tidak pernah dibincangkan dan tiada dalam perancangan LADA," katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika mengulas bantahan bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir
Menurut Ahmad Husni, kerajaan sentiasa komited dalam memastikan semua projek-projek
pembangunan yang melibatkan destinasi pelancongan negara terpelihara daripada kemusnahan alam sekitar.
"Setiap projek pembangunan yang dijalankan perlu mengambil kira kepentingan ekosistem, keunikan, keaslian dan juga penerimaan rakyat,'' ujarnya.
Anaklangkawi :
Alhamdulillah. Akhirnya terjawab.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tiada cadangan bina jambatan dari Perlis ke Langkawi
Monday, August 23, 2010
Langkawi Anchovies To Be Processed Into Light Snacks
LANGKAWI, 19 Ogos (Bernama) -- The Langkawi Fishermen Association has embarked on processing anchovies harvested in Langkawi into snacks under the brandname of "Bilis Crispy Rangup". Its General Manager, Abdul Majid Ibrahim, said most of the catch now were processed and sold as dried anchovies but the association, had since July, diversified its operations to further process the anchovies into crispy snacks, with the intention of increasing its income.Sixty five per cent of the anchovies produced in the country comes from Langkawi."We have gone on a promotion trial at grocery stores, supermarkets and shops located at the Langkawi cable car tourist spot."If the response is overwhelming, we would spread our wings abroad," he told Bernama in an interview Thursday.
Abdul Majid also said large-scale promotion would be undertaken soon at institutions of higher learning and schools, nationwide, since the "Bilis Crispy Rangup" snack was protein-rich and was suitable for students. Between three to ten kilogrammes of the snacks are produced daily and has a shelf-life of six to 10 months."We are in the midst of obtaining a halal licence for our product," said Abdul Majid, adding that retailers and the public have shown encouraging response for the snacks. The Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia had allocated RM246,000 to help the Langkawi Fishermen Association kick start the business."We plan to expand our operations and tap the markets of the Middle East, Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines and Singapore in a year's time.-- BERNAMA
AL :
Its about time someone come with this idea. Langkawi are among the best ikan bilis in Malaysia. Famous for its small bilis blue eye. Very delicious & tempting when eat with nasi lemak sambal. Anyway its a good effort.
Hopefully it will not be just a plan..
Abdul Majid also said large-scale promotion would be undertaken soon at institutions of higher learning and schools, nationwide, since the "Bilis Crispy Rangup" snack was protein-rich and was suitable for students. Between three to ten kilogrammes of the snacks are produced daily and has a shelf-life of six to 10 months."We are in the midst of obtaining a halal licence for our product," said Abdul Majid, adding that retailers and the public have shown encouraging response for the snacks. The Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia had allocated RM246,000 to help the Langkawi Fishermen Association kick start the business."We plan to expand our operations and tap the markets of the Middle East, Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines and Singapore in a year's time.-- BERNAMA
AL :
Its about time someone come with this idea. Langkawi are among the best ikan bilis in Malaysia. Famous for its small bilis blue eye. Very delicious & tempting when eat with nasi lemak sambal. Anyway its a good effort.
Hopefully it will not be just a plan..
Tun Mahathir against Langkawi Bridge project
LANGKAWI: Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is against the proposed RM130bil Langkawi bridge project saying that it will erode the island's unique features.
"Langkawi must remain an island and is unsuitable to be turned into a land mass," he told reporters after presenting chocolates and cash to 120 orphans and special children at Masjid Istiqamah in Kuala Teriang here Sunday night.
Two companies based in Perlis had proposed building a 48km bridge linking Langkawi to Kuala Perlis on the mainland.
Juruelit Sdn Bhd executive chairman Kamarudin Husin said on Friday the company had enough funds to build the project that includes a monorail bridge. ~The Star & Bernama
I'm in line with Tun. Since the idea been set through i don't see the fit or purpose of having the bridge.
1- Maintenance will be very high (pls study the maintenance cost for Penang bridge).
2- Uniqueness of Langkawi to be reach by only boat or flight.
3- Such wastage will be for having this high end project. In fact the money can be channel to diff various project such as bridge for fishing village in Kuala Melaka or P.Cenang etc2.
4- The small bridge even in Langkawi town nearly take about 4-5year to complete (length of the bridge only 10-15m) .. what will happen for this?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Salam Ramadan
Anaklangkawi mengucapkan selamat menyambut Ramadan.
Moga tahun ini kita beribadat lebih dr selalu. Insyallah..
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Langkawi Duduki Tangga Ke-19 Dalam Aspek Kawal Alam Sekitar
MELAKA, 6 Ogos (Bernama) -- Langkawi, yang terkenal sebagai destinasi pelancongan antarabangsa, menduduki tangga ke-19 daripada 21 buah destinasi pelancongan popular di seluruh dunia dalam aspek mengawal alam sekitar. Timbalan Menteri Pelancongan Datuk Dr James Dawos Mamit berkata kedudukan itu berdasarkan satu kajian kaji selidik oleh sebuah badan bebas dari Eropah. Hanya Pulau Langkawi merupakan destinasi pelancongan di Malaysia dalam kaji selidik itu yang turut menyenaraikan beberapa destinasi pelancongan popular di Asia.
"Laporan oleh badan itu yang diserahkan ke tangan saya baru-baru ini menyebut keindahan pulau itu tercemar oleh pantainya yang kotor kerana kesemua sisa kumbahan disalurkan ke laut," katanya kepada pemberita selepas majlis perasmian Melaka Matta Fair 2010 di Dataran Pahlawan Melaka Megamall di sini petang Jumaat. Ia dirasmikan Ketua Menteri Datuk Mohd Ali Rustam. Dawos berkata beliau tidak mahu laporan itu akan mengakibatkan jumlah pelancongan asing ke pulau legenda itu berkurangan."Langkawi dilawati oleh ramai pelancong dari negara-negara Eropah dan kebanyakan pelancong ini sangat memberi perhatian kepada aspek kebersihan alam sekitar," katanya yang beberapa kali melawati pulau itu.
Beliau berkata pengalamannya melawat pulau itu kali terakhir pada Mei lepas juga mendapati hotel penginapannya mengabaikan aspek kebersihan alam sekitar kerana tidak merawat dengan sempurna air kumbahan ke saluran yang betul. Katanya kajian mengenai pencemaran Pulau Langkawi akan dipanjangkan kepada Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air untuk tindakan. Sehubungan itu, kementeriannya meminta Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) di bawah kerajaan negeri supaya sentiasa mengawasi aspek kebersihan alam sekitar di kawasan-kawasan destinasi pelancongan.-- BERNAMA
AL : Ini merupakan isu yg sering kali kita cakap. Terutama aspek kebersihan langkawi & pengurusan alam sekitar. Komen demi komen sering diluahkan dalam suratkhabar tetapi kita masih tidak ambil peka terhadap isu alam sekitar.
Daripada LADA terlalu ghairah utk menambahkan infrastruktur, ada baiknya satu unit ditubuhkan utk memantau & menambah baik ranking pulau langkawi dlm aspek pengurusan alam sekitar. Mendapat 19 dr 26 adalah amat teruk sekali. Sepatutnya kita dapat dibawah 15 yg terbaik..
Kementerian Tenaga,
Teknologi Hijau dan Air
Lebih 1,000 sertai Program Semarak Merdeka Peringkat Langkawi
LANGKAWI: Lebih 1,000 kanak-kanak, belia dan orang dewasa mengambil bahagian dalam pelbagai acara sempena Program Semarak Merdeka Peringkat Daerah Langkawi di padang awam Kampung Padang Lalang, Mukim Ayer Hangat di sini, semalam. Antara acara menarik sepanjang program empat jam mulai jam 8.30 pagi anjuran Pejabat Penerangan Daerah Langkawi itu termasuk Senamrobik 1Malaysia, Sukan Rakyat, Larian Mesra Merdeka dan Futsal.
Majlis perasmian dilakukan Pengarah Penerangan Kedah, Masnoor Ashaari. Hadir sama, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Ayer Hangat, Mohd Rawi Abdul Hamid dan Penghulu Mukim Ayer Hangat, Malik Abd Aziz.
Berita Harian
AL : Generasi sekarang perlu didedahkan tentang sejarah kemerdekaan supaya mereka dapat tahu betapi susahnya nenek moyang mereka mencapai kemerdekaan.
Majlis perasmian dilakukan Pengarah Penerangan Kedah, Masnoor Ashaari. Hadir sama, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Ayer Hangat, Mohd Rawi Abdul Hamid dan Penghulu Mukim Ayer Hangat, Malik Abd Aziz.
Berita Harian
AL : Generasi sekarang perlu didedahkan tentang sejarah kemerdekaan supaya mereka dapat tahu betapi susahnya nenek moyang mereka mencapai kemerdekaan.
Bike challenge can promote Langkawi
LANGKAWI: The TM-Langkawi International Mountain Bike Challenge should not become another Le Tour de Langkawi, said former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
He said for Le Tour de Langkawi, the event only maintained the name of the island but the venue seemed to change each year.
“The mountain bike challenge can be used as a special brand to promote tourism in Langkawi.
“It is a new and small event, yet it has garnered a large number of participants. I want it to build up its own name and have its own followers without being compared to other cycling events,” he said after flagging off the maiden 8.5km endurance race at Telaga Harbour Park here yesterday.
“The challenge gathers both individuals and team participants. They come here with their families and friends. This is why I believe that it can be much bigger than Le Tour.
“There are also many hills and mountains on the island that can be explored for mountain biking tracks,” he said. ~ The Star
AL: Well said
He said for Le Tour de Langkawi, the event only maintained the name of the island but the venue seemed to change each year.
“The mountain bike challenge can be used as a special brand to promote tourism in Langkawi.
“It is a new and small event, yet it has garnered a large number of participants. I want it to build up its own name and have its own followers without being compared to other cycling events,” he said after flagging off the maiden 8.5km endurance race at Telaga Harbour Park here yesterday.
“The challenge gathers both individuals and team participants. They come here with their families and friends. This is why I believe that it can be much bigger than Le Tour.
“There are also many hills and mountains on the island that can be explored for mountain biking tracks,” he said. ~ The Star
AL: Well said
Monday, August 9, 2010
Langkawi First Route For 2011 LTDL
LANGKAWI, Aug 8 (Bernama) -- Langkawi has been chosen as the starting route for the 2011 Le Tour de Langkawi (LTDL) in February, said Malaysian National Cycling Federation (MNCF) deputy-president Datuk Naim Mohamad.
AL :- At last.
AL :- At last.
Plan To Make Langkawi Shine Again As Tourist Draw
LANGKAWI, Aug 8 (Bernama) -- The federal government plans to redevelop Langkawi's tourism potential to revive the glory days of the resort island off Kedah. Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop said measures would be taken under the 10th Malaysia Plan (2011-2015) to enable Langkawi regain a prominent place on the tourism map. The government would come up with a list of projects in a few months' time as part of the redevelopment plan, he said.
"Langkawi has a lot of potential but it is not fully utilised. There is much we can do, particularly with the attractive natural surroundings," he said to reporters after opening a seminar on the development of Langkawi on Sunday. Nor Mohamed said Langkawi should rightly be a niche product for the tourism sector."If Thailand can boast of Phuket, Koh Samui and Krabi, and Indonesia, of Bali, then surely Malaysia can be proud of its own islands, of which Langkawi is the most popular," he said. He said the government had spent a lot in previous five-year plans to develop Langkawi's economy and had undertaken a major transformation of the island.
"Nevertheless, the government is not satisfied yet. We have to spend a little more to enable Langkawi to realise its maximum potential as a tourist draw," he said. Nor Mohamed said the government might have to make available skillful tour agents who could target high-spending tourists, and added that there was a proposal to set up a tourism academy to train such manpower.
"We have to also resolve what seem to be small problems but which have a major impact on tourism. For example, it is said that operators of hire cars have to pay RM6,000 in insurance premiums per car annually," he said. Nor Mohamed said there had been proposals to establish a university in Langkawi as well as hospitals to cater to tourists.
"We will look at these proposals. Medical tourism is important. Tourists who come for medical treatment demand well-equipped hospitals," he said. On a proposal to build a five-kilometre bridge connecting Langkawi to Tuba Island in the Langkawi chain, he said the government would go ahead with the project if the cost-benefit analysis was favourable. There are 99 islands in the Langkawi chain but only two -- Langkawi and Tuba -- are inhabited.-- BERNAMA
"We have to also resolve what seem to be small problems but which have a major impact on tourism. For example, it is said that operators of hire cars have to pay RM6,000 in insurance premiums per car annually," he said. Nor Mohamed said there had been proposals to establish a university in Langkawi as well as hospitals to cater to tourists.
"We will look at these proposals. Medical tourism is important. Tourists who come for medical treatment demand well-equipped hospitals," he said. On a proposal to build a five-kilometre bridge connecting Langkawi to Tuba Island in the Langkawi chain, he said the government would go ahead with the project if the cost-benefit analysis was favourable. There are 99 islands in the Langkawi chain but only two -- Langkawi and Tuba -- are inhabited.-- BERNAMA
AL :-
Its good to know that the government planning to shine back the glory as tourist destination. At one time Langkawi was regards as golden Island by Tun Mahathir. Tun Mahathir already forsee Langkawi as a very potential Island to be developed as par or even better Penang or Phuket in term of tourist destination. Under his initiative we already have such a good tourist attraction to Langkawi.
Looking at the suggestion, i do not agree to make Langkawi as Medical tourism. Why? We already have Penang & KL as Medical areas. Why make Langkawi as one of it? Disposal of Medical waster will be a problem for Langkawi. Not mentioned at the moment Langkawi already have problem regarding the waste management. So do we want to add some more problem?
It is time for the Government to look back on the money that already been spend for the last 5 years for tourism benefit. Check & balance whether the money that been spend really meet the criteria or helping in terms of benefits to Langkawi as tourism spot. For me, i must say LADA not really doing a good job. They have some areas which is OK but as a whole i must say it is under KPI (if there is any)..
But i do agree Langkawi should be given a boost to make it shine again but under surveilance by a higher party so that the objectives are meet.
By the way can somebody check whether the Jetty in Pulau Tuba is it complete yet?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Dataran Lang Yang Suram

Tah dimana silapnya tapi itulah hakikatnya bila melewati kawasan yg sening dikunjungi pelancong di Dataran Lang. Lantai-lantai & kawasan sekeliling yg compang camping mencacatkan prestasi pulau Lagenda yg gah dimata dunia. Nak kata tiada peruntukan rasanya tidak sebab ‘tourist spot’ yg menjadi kunjungan ini merupakan kawasan seliaan LADA.
Takkan LADA tak peka @ buat2 tak Nampak kawasan tersebut. Atau LADA lebih sibuk melaksanakan projek yg lebih menguntungkan para kontraktor dr benda-benda remeh seperti ini. Peruntukan yg diberikan tidak habis digunakan malahan digunakan di kawasan-kawasan yg kurang menjadi tumpuan pelancong.
Masakan RM 1.4 juta (figure dr soalan MP) boleh digunakan utk memasang papan tanda & panel penerangan di seluruh langkawi tapi kontrak yg kurang dr RM 50,000 tidak boleh di tawarkan demi menambah baik kawasan tumpuan pelancong.
p/s: Malu bila rakan yg berkunjung ke Langkawi ckp dataran Lang agaknya pecah-pecah sbb mlmnya replika burung lang berjalan2 di sekitar dataran.
Takkan LADA tak peka @ buat2 tak Nampak kawasan tersebut. Atau LADA lebih sibuk melaksanakan projek yg lebih menguntungkan para kontraktor dr benda-benda remeh seperti ini. Peruntukan yg diberikan tidak habis digunakan malahan digunakan di kawasan-kawasan yg kurang menjadi tumpuan pelancong.
Masakan RM 1.4 juta (figure dr soalan MP) boleh digunakan utk memasang papan tanda & panel penerangan di seluruh langkawi tapi kontrak yg kurang dr RM 50,000 tidak boleh di tawarkan demi menambah baik kawasan tumpuan pelancong.
p/s: Malu bila rakan yg berkunjung ke Langkawi ckp dataran Lang agaknya pecah-pecah sbb mlmnya replika burung lang berjalan2 di sekitar dataran.
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