For those who is looking for jobs in Langkawi there're a lot of openings in Langkawi especially related to tourism industry.
Please check here..
Link to Langkawi Jobs.
Among the job listed there are :-
- General Manager - Eden Inc
- Asst Manager & Marketing - Berjaya
- Kitchen Helper, Chambermaid etc- Hotel Langkasuka
- Front office Manafer - Sri Chenang Resort
- Receptionist etc - Four Point Sheraton
- Brookstock Tech - Aquagrow
- Waiter, therapist - Langkawi Resort
Tour Officer - Natural History Sdn. Bhd. (Junglewala)
Any many more from Bon Ton, Asenia, Kuari etc2.
Try to apply & make sure ready for the interview.
Berikut list diatas adalah senarai kerja-kerja kosong utk bulan Februari ke March. Kepada warga Langkawi yg mencari pekerjaan bolehlah cuba nasib masing-masing utk memintak jawatan yg ada.
Untuk mencari di website
Caranya begini.
Click 'Hantar' |
Byk senarai akan keluar.. Pilihlah mana2 yg sesuai. |
Setakat ni di terdapat byk kekosongan di Langkawi. Selamat mencuba..
For all employers if you wish to find staff please email me with a short brief of jobs. I'll post it out FOC.
Kepada pada majikan jika anda mahu mencari pekerja sila hantar email ke saya tentang ciri-ciri pekerja yg dicari beserta maklumat yg dikehendaki.
Please email me if you need any info with regards to your travel to Langkawi & also if you need any advertising enquiry. ( )