Friday, December 31, 2010
Obor-Obor Di Langkawi
Jellyfish alert in Berjaya Beach Resort
The resort’s general manager Graeme L. Dwyer who hails from Australia is putting to good use his experience in tackling the jellyfish danger.
He said the public had to be warned of the dangers of jellyfish and the signages provided information on the do’s and dont’s when one is stung.
Dwyer also said first aid in the form of applying or pouring vinegar on the area where one has been stung would be provided at three first aid stations set up along the 180m stretch of the beach.
He was speaking at a press briefing at the resort recently.
“The presence of jellyfish increases from December to March and we have to be prepared,’’ he said.
The Star
Anaklangkawi :-
Pulau Tuba To Be Developed Into Knowledge Centre - Kedah MB
Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak said towards realising the aim, a Quran learning and science school would be set up on the island.
"The State Islamic Religious Department and Registrar of Kedah Religious Schools will prepare a working paper on the plan to be tabled to the state government," he told a news conference after his visit, here, Wednesday.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Fire In Langkawi Courtasy of Hamzah Osman
I thank you for sharing the picture in Langkawi Updates..
Langkawi Underwaterworld by mybabybay.com

The last time I set foot here was back in 2005. I was a little disappointed then because the Penguin section was under renovation.
Today, the place didn’t change much but I was impressed that the Penguin section is fairly big, 2 big sections for 2 types of Penguin. However when I looked at the Penguin, I feel sad for them because they are caged. They looked bored. Anyway that’s was the major part of the attraction in Langkawi Underwater World.
The rest were the usual sea creatures like coral fish, stingray, sharks, jelly fish and all types of fishes.
My children like to see the Penguin but only for a short while as they were distracted by a digital light game that shines on the ground. That was the most fun they have in there.
Please refer to her full article & nice pictures here..
Anaklangkawi :-
I must say i agree with her with regards to this place should be a place you need to go when u visit langkawi.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Langkawi Targets 2.5 Million Tourists Next Year
Lada Tourism Manager Megat Shaharul Azman Abas said today the target could be achieved in view of the various national and international events to be held on the duty-free resort island in 2011.
He told Bernama that this year more than two million tourists had visited Langkawi, and next year's target could be attained easily.
Promosi Kedai Pengantin Sha D'Rias ~ Iklan
Kami menyediakan pakej dan kelengkapan perkahwinan seperti set lengkap pakaian pengantin, pelamin, bilik tidur, meja makan dan solekan pengantin.
Harga ditetapkan mengikut pakej atau tempahan kelengkapan yg diingini. Jika anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan sila hubungi kami ditalian yg tertera.
Sila Hubungi kami di :
0175920074 (Pn Erra),
0125882707 (Pn Nadia)
Alamat :
Kampung Baru, Mukim Ulu Melaka, Langkawi.
(berdekatan dengan tapak pasar malam ulu melaka)
Sunsets, Paradise, and Low Costs Draw Expatriates to Langkawi by Carola
On a tropical island in a Muslim country in Asia, Christmas carolers sing in English near a rainforest, and partygoers drink German beer at an Oktoberfest by a balmy beach.
Expatriates bring events reminiscent of their native lands to Langkawi, Malaysia, and they can find out about them from a calendar of activities on a facebook page in English.
Perhaps following the beat of her own drum, Vanessa Workman created the page, Island Drum of Langkawi. She refers to her 7-month-old Island Drum as an experiment to find out what would happen if given a mouthpiece. The mouthpiece might feature upcoming parties, a lecture for a "greener island," an inquiry about pottery classes as well as a reward for a missing dog.
Full Story Here.
Kebakaran di Perkampungan di Bukit Malut & Sumbangan UMNO Kedah
Kerugian ditaksirkan lebih RM1 juta. Tiada kecederaan dilaporkan.
Ketua balai bomba Langkawi Yaakob Hassan, yang juga pegawai operasi, berkata lima jentera dari balai bomba Jalan Persiaran Putra dan Jalan Ayer Hangat dengan 40 anggota dan dibantu 30 anggota Polis Langkawi, Jabatan Pertahanan Awam serta Rela Langkawi dikejarkan ke tempat kejadian sebaik menerima laporan pada pukul 11.39 malam.
Kecekapan anggota bomba dan agensi lain berjaya menyelamatkan 243 buah rumah berdekatan dan harta benda bernilai RM4 juta.
Kebakaran itu merupakan kejadian ketiga seumpamanya di kawasan itu, selepas yang pertama dan kedua pada 2006 dan 2007 membabitkan lebih 200 buah rumah musnah.
Mangsa Kebakaran Bukit Malut, Langkawi Terima Sumbangan RM1,000
LANGKAWI, 28 Dis (Bernama) -- Setiap keluarga mangsa kebakaran di kawasan penempatan Bukit Malut, Mukim Ulu Melaka di sini malam tadi, akan menerima sumbangan sebanyak RM1,000.
Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno Kedah yang baru dilantik Datuk Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah berkata, sumbangan itu, masing-masing RM500 daripada kerajaan pusat dan Umno Kedah, akan diagihkan Jumaat ini.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Langkawi Five-O by Firiz
All my frustration during 4 weeks of STPM examination were paid off. Next day after the exam, my family and I were boarding on AK5203 flight to KL at 6.15am. During the flight, I ate Chicken Rice. The taste was not bad! We arrived at LCCT around 8.15 am. My elder brother and I rushed to the counter for early check-in. While waiting for the flight, my elder brother, sister and I went to McDonald for early breakfast. At 10.00 am, we took AK5322 flight to Langkawi Island. Finally 1 hour later, our plane landed at the 'Island of the Eagle'.
We rented a Nissan Grand Livinia car for RM300 (2 nights). At noon, we reached Hotel Bahagia in the heart of Kuah town. Waiting for check-in, we went sight-seeing around the town before headed to Billion Supermarket for duty-free shopping. We bought a lot of chocolates. Then we ate Nasi Kandar at a Mamak restaurant near Pekan Rabu. We went to the waterfront nearby to snap some photos.
More stories check his full article here..
Monday, December 27, 2010
Boat Restaurant Pantai Tengah by rubinho

Langkawi is renowned for its white beaches and clear waters, green padi fields sprawling fish farms. But it is not renowned for its food. Before heading to Langkawi, I spent close to 6 hours on good eateries to go to but came up with so few of them. So armed with the limited information, I and my cousins decided to hunt them down :)
Please check his food review here.
Timbermad :-
Such a detailed food review.. Nice pictures as well.. tempting food i say..
Budget Hotel List In Langkawi
Please refer here for more info..
Update List 2011. ~ Thanks LADA for giving such great detail.
Starwood's 4th hotel in Langkawi to open Jan 1
The hotel, previously the Langkasuka Beach Resort located in Kuala Muda, Mukim Padang Matsirat, closed its doors and underwent a RM12 million renovation over a four month period.
Seni Nostalgia gamit kenangan
Beliau dilihat menghabiskan masa kira-kira 30 minit menatap lukisan karya Mohd Jamil Ahmad yang bernilai RM5,800 itu.
Lukisan yang menggunakan medium acrylic, memaparkan keadaan Langkawi pada tahun 70-an yang serba daif.
Abu Bakar berkata, keadaan kini, sudah jauh berubah, banyak pembangunan dikecap hasil anjakan paradigma yang dilakukan bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Penduduk Langkawi perlu bersyukur dengan pembangunan yang dinikmati, kesedaran itu perlu wujud pada generasi muda.
“Kerajaan telah menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan seperti pengangkutan dan jalan raya, berbanding dahulu di mana kami terpaksa menggunakan bot kecil untuk berulang-aling ke tanah besar,” katanya ketika ditemui.
Bagi Mohd Jamil, dia mengambil masa dua minggu untuk mencari dan melakukan kajian terhadap wajah lama Langkawi.
Menurutnya, bagi menyiapkan karya ini pula, dia mengambil masa dua minggu sebelum dipamerkan.
“Saya melihat jenis kenderaan, yang digunakan ketika itu, malah zaman itu saya belum lahir lagi, untuk mewujudkan mood adalah satu perkara yang sukar,” katanya.
Beliau adalah antara 38 pelukis dan juru foto termasuk dari Indonesia, Brunei, Filipina, Canada dan Sri Lanka.
Pameran itu bakal berlangsung selama dua minggu dengan kerjasama Richarts Wejaya.
Sinar Harian
-AL :-
Sebenarnya amat susah utk mencari gambar & nostalgia lama mengenai Langkawi. Mungkin kita boleh cadangkan satu muzium kecil utk langkawi bagi mengingkap sejarah pulau lagenda kita..
Langkawi by Center Vacation.com
Langkawi Transportation
Car Rental In Langkawi ~ Hot Topic In Travel Advisor

For readers info, i participate actively in Tripadvisors forum especially the Langkawi Forum section. Its a section where fellow travelers & visitors come for advise, giving opinion & some to the extend giving travel tips report.
Among the hot topic discussed this week was feedback regarding car rental problem. Not knowing the fact right but such arising complain with regards to car rental company. Whether its small or not but all of them have a basis.
A basis such as been conned or not a good service. Been charge excessively & deposit never existed. Such an alarming situation when people start talk bad about the service which might effect the tourism industry as a whole. Tourism Langkawi need to look at this seriously. After all, if we dont want one bad apple to ruin the rest of good apple.
The question is there any guideline the fellow travelers can rely on or aspect? I do tourism authorities can answer this question to eliminate gray area's. And if there's none the Tourism board or whoever responsible shall be proactive enough to create such guideline..
Well, honestly i agree some condition of the car are really bad. The car rental need to be honest & rent the car as fit to the price offered. And as well, need to be very open to give a full refund if the car broke down or having problem. Please, as a service provider be professional & think what it may effect the industry entirely rather than think about short profit.
Be the best on doing business. Our tourism industry depends on it..
Please check Tripadvisor Forum
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Malaysia Aims To Become Best IODA WSC Host
Malaysian Yachting Association (MYA) general manager Mohd Afendy Abdullah said about RM3mil was spent on preparation including turning a hotel into a sports village.
"We are ready to host the world's biggest sailing event which is just one week away," he told Bernama here Wednesday.
He said 57 countries have confirmed participation including Brazil, Peru, Italy, Turkey, United Kingdom, Germany, Finland, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.
Some 252 sailors would be competing in the championship with each country represented by five sailors.
Timbermad :-
Fairly hope that this will be the best host ever..
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sekolah Dyslexia Langkawi Perlukan Bantuan

Pada akhir tahun persekolahan tahun lepas Elina Hj Din merasa kecewa apabila mencari pertolongan utk anaknya yg berusia 8 tahun. Anaknya dirasakn cerdik & kreatif namun sering gagal dalam kesemua matapelajaran.
"Cikgu anak saya memanggil saya berkenaan keputusan peperiksaannya" Elina cuba mengingat kemabli. "Beliau tidak dapat menentukan kenapa anak saya sangat lemah dalam pembelajaran lebih-lebih lagi penulisan. Kemudian saya telah pergi berjumpa dgn kesemua cikgu2 anak saya & mendapati tiada siapa memahami keadaan anak saya"
"Akhirnya kami pergi berjumpa dgn ahli psikologi pembelajaran di Kuala Lumpur. Ianya tidak mudah mengesan masalah anak kami. Kami telah membelanjakan dr RM 3 ribu hanya utk mendapatkan diagnosis."
Kemudian pada awal bulan Mac tahun ini Elina berjumpa dgn sekumpulan ibu-ibu (dan bbrpd org bapa) yg juga mengalami masalah sama & telah menubuhkan jawatankuasa Dyslexia.
Dalam masa sebulan kumpulan ini telah berjaya membuka sebuat sekolah melatih kanak-kanak dyslexia utk membaca & menulis (dgn pertolongan Persatuan Dyslexia Malaysia PDM KL). Dyslexia adalah gangguan persepsi yg melibatkan 5% dr penduduk dunia.
Penghidap dyslexia melihat perkataan & nombo2 pada sesuate mukasurat berkecamuk dan tidak dapat mengenali antara kiri & kanan. Walaupun IQ pengidap adalah normal @ lebih tinggi dr kebiasaan, pengidap yg tidak didiagnos selalunya dilihat sbg lemah @lembap di sekolah. Mereka dipandang rendah, diperkecilkan & dihukum oleh cikgu rakan & ibu bapa.
Cara-cara utk menentukan sekiranya anak menghidap dyslexia adalah apabila kanak2 itu sering keliru dgn penggunaan huruf2 p, b, d & q dan kerap menulis angka 5 dan huruf S secara terbalik )seperti dalam arca cermin)
Kumpulan sokongan dyslexia disini diketuai oleh Puan Yong (@nama asal Lee Ei Ching) yg mempunyai seorg anak dyslexic berumur 13 tahun. Kumpulan ini dipanggil PDM Cawangan Langkawi & menawarkan ujian penilaian utk menentukan ganguan ini dgn harga RM 100. Sekiranya kanak2 tersebut didapati menghidap dyslexia kumpulan ini menawarkan kursus 3 bulan sbyk RM 450 sebulan utk melatih kanak2 tersebut membaca & menulis dgn menggunakan teknik2 khas.
Mereka skrg mempunyai 2 org guru dilatih khas oleh Presiden PDM, Sariah Amirin. Sekiranya ada keluarga yg tidak mampu utk membayar yuran RM 1,350 utk kursus tersebut, Puan Yong percaya PDM dapat membantu mengumpul dana bg tujuan tersebut.
"Kami diberitahu oleh Puan Sariah supaya tidak membelakangkan sesiapa" katanya. Akan ttp kursus ini tidak akan secara ajaib menyebabkan kanak2 tersebut mendapat markah baik disekolah. Ianya perlu difahamkan anak2 dyslexic tidak akan mendapat keputusan baik di sekolah.
"Disinilah pemahaman khayalak ramai diperlukan. Markah terabik di sekolah bukan pengukur utk anak2 kita" tegas Elina. "Kami mahu menyedarkan ibu bapa oleh kerana anak2 tidak dapat menyesuaikan diri di sekolah tidak bermakna yg mereka gagal dalam kehidupan.
"Bagi kanak-kanak yg tahap pembelajarannya lembab, tidak ada ubat @keajaiban yg boleh diberikan utk membuat mereka belajar dgn lebih cepat" kata Madelyn Rozario, ibu kepada anak dyslexic berumur 10 tahun. "Ttp bagi kanak2 dyslexic, apabila kita mengajar mereka cara-cara utk belajar, mereka akan belajar terus & anda akan melihat kelainan. Kita perlu menolong mereka menyedari bakat semulajadi mereka, walaupun mereka tidak boleh belajar membaca & menulis dgn sempurna".
Madelyn & Kristy Soo adalah yg pada mulanya memujuk Puan Yong utk memulakan kumpulan ini juga menambah, oleh kerana kanak2 dyslexic bukannya kurang IQ @ tidak cerdik jadi sekiranya kita tidak membantu mereka belajar kita mungkin akan kehilangan minda yg berbakat. Ini dapat dilihat dr fakta yg kanak2 dyslexic ada yg membesar menjadi artis, pemuzik, pereka & arkitek yg berjaya- bidang yg tidak perlu terlalu byk pembacaan.
012433 3629/ 012 488 4845/ 019 9865178/ 019 475 7212
Terima Kasih to Mr Patrick from Langkawi Guide
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Bid to make Langkawi waters jellyfish-free
During a day-long outing, they helped to collect the deadly sea creatures during a gotong-royong at Pantai Chenang here yesterday.
Organised by the Langkawi Development Authority, 200 box jellyfish of various species, including the common Carybdeid Morbakka, were caught by the group using the common fishing nets.Langkawi Recreational Club president Datuk Mansor Ismail said the event would be held regularly to make Langkawi waters jellyfish-free and safe for tourists.
"A total of 150 cases involving stinging by jellyfish were reported this year. The move (to remove) should trigger more frequent collaborative effort between various agencies as well as the public.
“Perhaps, catching the jellyfish can be turned into a competition to popularise it.”
Universiti Sains Malaysia marine biology unit officer Sim Yee Kwang, who supervised the event, said samples of the caught jellyfish would be sent to the university laboratory for further research.
He said the jellyfish’s presence in Langkawi waters was not alarming compared with other areas in the peninsula, such as in other parts of the Straits of Malacca.
Read more: Bid to make Langkawi waters jellyfish-free http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/BidtomakeLangkawiwatersjellyfish-free/Article#ixzz18qc4S343
Anaklangkawi :-
I do agree on the suggestion to make catching the jellyfish as a competition. Perhaps once a year with sponsored by local authorities & LADA. Make it an official event & awareness program to the people. Invite authorities such as the Hospital representative to talk about 1st aid treatment when encountered with the jellyfish. Perhaps Langkawi should have a guideline on know how to treat this jellyfish issue.
Make it as a compulsory for Hotels near the beach to have staff who knows how to treat tourist which effected by jellyfish sting.
Langkawi Day 2 ~by I Blog Too

As promised, Day 2!
So the day started real early with us having complimentary breakfast at the apartment’s lobby. It’s the buffet style but nothing really fancy, really. It was a bit too heavy for our liking, they served mee goreng, kuey teow goreng, and stuff.
We headed up north (I think) to the Oriental Village for the cable car ride. It was drizzling all morning so we were just trying our luck to see if the cable car is operating.
After a few wrong turns and a beautiful stretch of seaside scenery, we finally reached the Oriental Village.
Please read full article here..
Anaklangkawi :-
I really like the above picture.. taken by her.. i must admit i never went to the crocodile cave before.. looking at it makes me put it as a to do list whenever i have time..
Pulau Payar: Getting There & Around by Zemien
There is no accommodation on the island, so you can only do daytrips. In a way this helps preserve the cleanliness of the area. Anyhow, the 2 most popular base for trips out to Pulau Payar would be Pulau Langkawi and Pulau Pinang (Penang).
Although I only took the catamaran ferry from Penang, I'm guessing it is almost the same with trips originating from Langkawi (but with a shorter journey).
For those based in Penang, you'll enter the pier from an old side gate. Just look for the famous Jubilee clock tower and it's right opposite. You can park your car at the nearby Fort Cornwallis parking for RM7/day.
Read full trip experience by Zemien Here..
This article by this blogger quite interesting on how to go & back to Payar Island from Penang. Its quite detail blog on how to make plan to Pulau Payar without getting to Langkawi Island itself.. Honestly i didn't know such services are there from Penang just to Payar Island.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
International Chocolate Fiesta Sets RM200,000 Sales Target
"We also give between 10 and 50 per cent discount for every purchase," he said, adding that the fiesta, which began in 1994, had received encouraging response so far and was deemed as one of Langkawi's tourism products.
AL :-
200k of sales. I think they may reach that target looking at the current holiday season. But i do hope that Malaysian Chocolate product should be promoted as well.. Probably promote as well the gamat chocolate..:)
Langkawi Experience ~by mizzvickz
What is there to do in Langkawi
apart from duty free chocs, alcohol and cheap* seafood?
*Cheaper than KL but not super cheap either
Why, take a RM30 tour to go "island hopping" and see eagle feeding!
Such a pity for the bad weather.
Paying peak prices for hotels and flight tix but experiencing off peak weather.
The weather ruined half of our trip. . .
plus my OCD was mentally killing me.
I keep feeling dirty and icky
and I keep having a constant need to bathe and wash my feet.
This particularly happens whenever I go on beach holidays
and stay in hotels with carpeted flooring.
Please refer to her blog for more interesting experience & great picture of delicious food :)..
Orkid Seafood Restaurant, Langkawi Tapaz Langkawi., Sunba Retro Bar Red Tomato Garden Cafe Breakfast Bar Langkawi
Anaklangkawi :-
I must say she should be paid or given free meal for promoting all these nice places to eat in Langkawi.. Such tempting picture.. makes my mouth water drops.. Heheh
Travel to Langkawi by studiomoonspell

This is the best moment i have wait to get this shot. This is my best shot for a landscape to signify Langkawi Geopark. If you like or no, please drop a comment if you can. I would love to hear some of critic and comments from you guys.
Please refer here for more great pictures..
Anaklangkawi :-
This blogger poses the true great art of Black & white picture which i personally endured. Probably among the best shot i've come across for black & white.. Wishing you good luck on your business.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Langkawi X Ride ~ Cycle Network Langkawi

Welcome to Cicli ( Cycle Network Langkawi ), Langkawi’s premier adventure motorcycling
& mountain biking outfitter.
We are located slap-bang in Machinchang Cambrians Geoforrest Park, the one & only
sandstone geoforrest park in the country. With vibrant activities, lust tropicalmountains,
waterfall and pulsating seaside town, we are targeting at the dynamic & energetic crowd
who are looking for something bit different. Our goal is to deliver an experience.
“People are born original but most die as copy, I’ll just want to make tracks wherever I go”
For more details please refer LANGKAWI X Blog.
Anaklangkawi :-
I never new such blog & group existed. Will try it one day..
The 2nd Annual Langkawi International Islamic Finance And Economic Conference 2010 ~ by Dr Syed Iskandar
Summary of what Tun Dr M said while comparing conventional and Islamic banks in light of the global financial crisis:-
1) Bank lend money that they dont have.
2) Bank should therefore be able to create money.
3) Bank assume majority of its customers who deposited their money will not immediately use the money--possibly only 10% would have immediate usage of their savings and 90% will keep therefore banks are able to lend money with the deposits that they took from the customers.
~ Please refer Dr's blog for more update news..
Anaklangkawi :-
Waiting patiently on the summary & details regarding the conference. There's a lot of speaker which give great input on the event. Dr' please update us..
Ironman Langkawi Hoping For Sports Ministry Bail Out
Ironman Langkawi's event director Datuk A. Chandrakumanan said discussions would be held with the ministry soon.
"An appeal letter will be forwarded to the ministry soon," he told Bernama when contacted on Sunday.
Chandrakumanan said the reason for the takeover request was due to lack of support and financial assistance for Ironman Malaysia Sdn Bhd, to organise such a mega event.
"Every year the cost of organizing the event which is into its 11th edition, requires at least RM3 million to cater for the overall expenditure which include prize money, food, transport, accommodation and staff," he said.
He hoped the ministry would consider the takeover proposal since the event had been a major championship that helped promote the country globally.
Ironman Langkawi which normally attracts top class competitors from around the world is an event that comprises three grueling main disciplines - swimming 3.8km, cycling 180.2km and a 42km run.
The event also acts as a qualifying championship for the World Championships held in Kona, Hawaii every year.
Chandrakumanan said organising the event had largely contributed to the promotion of the country and the tourism industry, believed to be worth between RM20 to RM30 million in revenue.
He added that the 12th edition of the championships that was scheduled for Feb 27, may have to be postponed due to the financial difficulties.
Anaklangkawi :-
I don't know this big event having financial problem. Taken over entirely by the Sports Ministry might not be a good thing. There's also event in Langkawi need to be look upon such as the International Yatch Competition.
What i do suggest, national event such as Ironman & other should be cramp together to cut cost. Then ask or instruct LADA to participate as the main organizer.. and ask also state sport exco to participate..
2010 Langkawi ~by nemu-iii

Meaning, a bottle of 1 liter Black Label cost about RM70, where as in KL, the bottle of Black Label is around RM160-180 for the 750ml.
Anyway, was raining all day for most of the day, since its Dec, except for a few hours where we manage to get some sun.
To check the bloggers nicely taken picture.. please check the blog.. (i must admit it gives langkawi a different perspective when browsing the pic)
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Langkawi! ~by totallybaosters

my 600th post! wow, haven't realise how long have i been holding on to this blog...it's probably been..3 or 4 years since i had it and i guess this blog still have quite some long way to go :))
anyway, as promised, my weekend getaway in langkawi. i thought i wasn't going to enjoy much because i was worried about my work. that week was just hectic and crap. i left for langkawi by flight after my calculation test on friday. shuuush, i skipped 2 lectures........ XD also that same week i handed in my report just 2 days before my test lol not only that i even had a presentation on tuesday which is one day after i came back from langkawi. slides were all ready but i didn't even practiced or anything like that lmao plus it's a group work. the only rehearsal we had was just an hour before the presentation. even that...we only rehearsed twice LOL but like i said, i guess it still went alright after all :D
moving on!! i took the flight with my 2nd sister while my parents and the rest of my siblings had drove down and took the ferry. l o l 6 hours journey. the ferry itself was almost a 2 hours ride ;~; we reached around the same time, and they'd picked us up after renting a car.
Read our friend full experience in Langkawi here.. I must say there's a lot of interesting & nice pictures.. Kudos'

Masuk jer chalet pada hari pertama, bulu roma saya berdiri dan badan saya rasa seram-seram sejuk.
Katanya berkesan sebab dia dah banyak kali cuba.
Utk Baca Lebih Lanjut sila lawat blogger famous ni..
Anaklangkawi :-
Hotel mana yg Tuan kita ni pi.. nak jugak tau.. Kot2 kalau ada boleh la pi bersih buang menatang2 yg tak elok..
Friday, December 17, 2010
Langkawi Story ~ Interesting Group..

Hope having this blog will make Langkawi more happening in the internet world..
For more info & views visit their blog..
TB :- I welcome you to the website / blogger role.. hopefully by having this blog we'll promote more about the same beloved subject..
Rock On To Langkawi. by writetoasphaq.blogspot.com
Haha. GELOJOH. Terus mula entry dengan gambar tanpa memberi kata-kata pendahuluan. Assalammualaikum. Ni hao ma. Hello. Vanakkam. Amma. Baru-baru ini. Kami adik beradik yang ramai ini berkunjung ke Langkawi untuk menghabiskan masa senggang. Ada 4 family semuanya. Dah macam pergi Rombongan Cik Kiah Ke Langkawi. Pergi situ kami yang paling bising. Pergi sana kami yang paling bising. Meriah betul Rombongan Cik Kiah ni :')
Silalah lawat blog asphaq utk lebih lanjut..
TB :
Huih seronoknya berjalan Langkawi. Gambaq pun semua cantik2.. Lain kali mai la lagi boleh jumpa kami..
Police move in to end beach resort stand-off
LANGKAWI - Things are beginning to go back to normal at the Beach Garden Resort here after police finally stepped in and ordered a group of people who had laid "siege" to the resort to disperse or face the consequences.
Police arrived on Monday night and ordered the group to disperse besides directing them to remove the plastic tape they had used to seal off the resort in Pantai Chenang.
They also detained two men who caused a commotion when they tried to prevent workers from reconnecting water supply to the resort.
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Resort general manager Wolfgang Sauer yesterday expressed relief and thanked the New Straits Times for highlighting the problems faced by the resort as it helped in getting police to put an end to the chaos.
"The police finally put an end to the stand-off on Monday night, five days after the group disrupted our operations. We now have a peace treaty and the problem should not recur.
"The situation has finally been brought under control by the police, and water supply has been restored. Our guests and those of the island in general will be able to enjoy their holidays without fear of any further disturbance."
Sauer said the group had also assured the management that they would clear piles of red earth that had been dumped at the resort's entry and exit points since last Wednesday.
It was reported in the NST that a group of local residents, identified as members and sympathisers of seven families who co-own the plot of land where the resort stands, had resorted to disrupting operations at the resort by unloading truckloads of red earth at the entry and exit points.
They also sealed off the resort by putting plastic tape around the perimeter before harassing and threatening guests, workers, suppliers and neighbouring resorts who tried to help out by giving water to the resort.
Guests staying at the resort were in fear for their safety and the problem was compounded when local authorities here failed to act decisively to put an end to the group's blatant disregard for the law.
The incident was sparked off when members of the family, which owned the land, got into a dispute over whether the lease agreement with the resort, which has been operating on the land for the past 20 years, should be extended for another 12 years.
Family members who disagreed with the lease agreement decided to take matters into their own hands even though the resort management had successfully obtained an interim injunction from the High Court to prevent the disputing parties from entering the resort or disrupting its operations.
TB : Need to settle the dispute. Its quite a shame to outside world.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Langkawi Coral Marine Park ~ by millymin.com

Wanna try guessing?

To read full article please visit her Blog..
Anaklangkawi :-
Such a very informative writing which i feel that I'm together with the writer on full journey to Payar Island..
Pulau Payar, A Place For Everyone ~ by Wkfoo.com

We have always heard people talking about Pulau Payar and how beautiful the island is but have you ever wondered who was responsible for it? It is none other than Langkawi Coral. To be honest I only took notice of Pulau Payar because of Emily. She couldn’t stop talking about Pulau Payar and when I asked her what was so special about that island she said “Just comela, don’t ask so much”.
As we made our move towards the boat, I could hear a couple of foreign languages echoing such as Japanese, Greek, Arabic, and a few more that I don’t even know. I was happy and confident that this will be a good trip simply because it has managed to attract so many foreign tourist. Imagine going to an island where you only see locals and yourself, theoretically that impression would just simply mean the island is not attractive enough or in the modern world’s term, sucks. So off we go and Jep was our tour guide of the day. To me, he is simply the best tour guide I’ve ever met not only he knew how to make us excited but he knows every little inch of this island. Ok that’s beside the point, for now.
Read Full Article Here..
Anaklangkawi : Great to know u have a wonderful time.. :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Budget Travel to Langkawi by Stevengoh.com

This time we headed to Langkawi island in Kedah. The trip departed from Penang Swettenham Pier port. The ride took almost 3 hours. It is always a good idea to prepare yourself with some arcade games or smart phone during the journey.
To read full article please refer to Stevengoh Website..
Langkawi at losing end of family dispute
LANGKAWI, Malaysia - A beach resort here is seeking help from the Tourism Ministry and former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in dealing with a vigilante-like group who have sealed off land in a beachside spot.
The group is involved in a family dispute over the land on which the resort stands.
Despite the resort management having a court order prohibiting the disputing parties from entering the resort or disrupting its operations, it would appear that family members have taken the law into their hands.
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He said he had contacted several embassies to notify them of the situation.
"I had to alert them as we can no longer guarantee the safety of our foreign guests.
"The vigilantes have grown more brazen by trespassing on our property and threatening our staff and guests.
"I just don't know what else to do. We have lodged four police reports."
He claimed the police and other authorities here had washed their hands of the matter, saying it was a private issue.
Sauer said Langkawi's reputation as a tourist destination had been hurt by alerts guests had posted on the intimidation and inconvenience in various travel blogs and websites, including tripadvisor.blogspot.
"After sealing off our entry and exit points, cutting off our water supply and threatening foreign tourists and our workers, they are now targeting all those who are helping us.
"They have issued death threats to our workers and the management of a neighbouring resort who are helping us out."
He said three Tourism Ministry officials visited the resort yesterday to see things for themselves so that they could brief Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen.
"I hope the ministry is able to intervene and help resolve this standoff as we are fully booked for Christmas and up to April.
"The other hotels and resorts are also fully booked so we cannot place them anywhere else. If the situation is not resolved, then Langkawi's reputation is going to take a big hit and it may be an age before tourists have the faith to come here."
AL :
Its quite sad to see this things happening. The authorities must get involved in this issue to prevent damaged reputation.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Breeding Proposed To Maintain Sea Cucumber Population
Deputy Minister Datuk Johari Baharom said the Fisheries Department was identifying a potential area to breed the sea cucumber, which is eaten and also used in the production of a variety balms and oils.
"We do not want this marine life, found in abundance in Langkawi waters at one time, to become extinct," he told a news conference after launching a leader-with-the-people programme in the Langkawi parliamentary constituency at the Mardi Agro-Technology Park here yesterday.
Mohd Johari also urged the people of Langkawi, particularly fishermen and farmers, to come up with unique agro-based products to draw more tourists to the legendary island.
He said the fishing village of Tuba Island, for example, had the potential to conduct home-stay programmes which could incorporate attractions such as seafood and angling.
TB :
Well, well. Its about time this suggestion is proposed. Even now folks of Langkawi have to buy all the sea cucumber from neighboring country. The question is who will take the challenge. Hopefully not just talks..
By the way thank you for asking me to contribute to the blog..
Ternakan Rusa Tarikan Baru Di Stesen Mardi Langkawi
Pemangku Pengurus Stesen Mardi Langkawi Abdul Kadir Din berkata ternakan itu merupakan antara projek yang dilaksanakan di bawah projek prasarana pelancongan di taman itu membabitkan peruntukan berjumlah lebih RM3 juta daripada Lembaga Pembangunan Langkawi (Lada) dan untuk permulaan enam ekor rusa diternak bagi dibiak mulai Disember ini.
"Projek itu dilaksanakan di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan untuk memberi lebih keselesaan kepada pengunjung," katanya kepada Bernama di sini Ahad.
Beliau berkata antara kemudahan yang disediakan adalah dewan terbuka yang boleh menampung lebih 100 orang, menara tinjau untuk membolehkan pelancong melihat pemandangan indah, pondok rehat, laluan jalan kaki ke ladang dan kawasan memancing.
Beliau berkata kehadiran pelancong semakin meningkat setiap tahun untuk tempoh 11 bulan pertama tahun ini dengan 41,881 pengunjung melawat taman itu berbanding tahun lepas sebanyak 32,304 orang.
Tahun 2008 mencatat kehadiran pelawat sebanyak 24,722 orang manakala tahun 2007 dengan 18,820 orang.
Beliau berkata 80 peratus pelawat yang berkunjung ke taman itu adalah pelancong asing seperti negara-negara Timur Tengah, Eropah, Jerman, Jepun, Taiwan, India dan China.
Anaklangkawi :-
Baguihla tambahkan tarikan baru rusa kat situ.. Sbb mmg stesen mardi dah famous dikalangan pelancong terutama musim buah-buahan.. Cuma satu ja.. Bela rusa bukan senang maka jgn mati pulak rusa tu.. Harapannya yg menjaganya ada ilmu @ sudah di'train utk menjaga rusa tersebut.. bukan apa takut mati..
Monday, December 13, 2010
Paintball 3 Kingdoms ~ Langkawi

Anyway i can bet all the war mongers out there having fun that

I wonder who wins?
More info about the recent event from other blogs :
- P8ball4life - Terjahpaintball -
The opening ceremony was officially launch by MP Langkawi Dato' Paduka Abu Bakar Taib. The

Hopefully this kind of event will be more conducted next year to attract a new breed of tourist to the Island.
Kudos to the organizer..

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Kraf Menggamit Di Pulau Langkawi
Dalam Mingguan Malaysia hari ini terhadap satu iklan untuk
Artikel dr Mingguan Malaysia
AL : Cek amat mengalu-alukan promosi kraftangan. Pusat kraftangan Langkawi perlu lebih aktif dalam memberikan galakan & sokongan kepada penduduk langkawi utk menceburkan diri di arena kraftangan Langkawi. Ramai suri @ janda di rumah yg perlukan bantuan drpd kraftangan. Maka buatlah carilah mereka & bantulah..
Kepada pelancong2 ke Langkawi. Pergilah ke kompleks tersebut.. amat dekat dgn Air Hangat..
Langkawi Needs New Impetus To Be Premier Tourist Destination - Najib
He said that since a year ago he had discussed with several parties, especially Khazanah Nasional Berhad, about Langkawi's redevelopment process in order to fulfill former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's wish to develop Langkawi as top tourist destination.
"We want new development. Therefore, we need new impetus. The development concept must preserve the current situation and natural habitats around the island," he said in his keynote address at the official launch of Teluk Datai Resort's Development Plan at Teluk Datai, here.
Also present were Dr Mahathir and his wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop and Managing Director of Khazanah Nasional Berhad Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar.
Najib said the redevelopment process also should create value to the country, such as joint venture with local companies, as tourism was a major sector that the government wanted to push.
"The development is not only for Teluk Datai but for Langkawi as a whole. Many people said Langkawi is a loss after Tun Dr Mahathir's era as prime minister," he said.
He said today's event was to announce a four-in-one project, with the development of 14 units of villa as the main project.
"The second is to build a new 300-room hotel, the third an upmarket five-star to six-star hotel and the last the redevelopment of the Datai Golf Course to international standard," he said.
Najib said the development plan was a partnership between government-linked companies and private companies to create value to the project and the country.
The development projects would involve about RM1 billion to be invested in Teluk Datai via its investee, Teluk Datai Resorts Sdn Bhd, a joint venture between Khazanah Nasional and also the original founders, through Archipelago Hotels (East) Sdn Bhd.
As part of corporate social responsibility, Teluk Datai Resorts has adopted Sekolah Kebangsaan Ewa under the Pintar programme. It is one of the schools in Langkawi where the most number of employees of Teluk Datai Resort send their children.
Anaklangkawi :-
Its about time Dato Seri Najib give attention to the re-development plan in order to create Langkawi as Premier Tourism destination. Its a pity if the good infrastructure not been use to the fullest. Just my hope that more local folks will get direct impact on the plan.
Friday, December 10, 2010
RM1b for Teluk Datai project
The five-year plan, which will see the expansion and upgrading of TDR's hotel and golf course as well as the construction of new hotels, was launched yesterday by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Najib said: "Based on the development plan for Teluk Datai, more jobs will be created for residents.
"This will increase the value of their assets and their quality of life.
Present were former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Khazanah managing director Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar.
Langkawi, with a population of about 99,000, was identified by Dr Mahathir as a tourist destination more than two decades ago.
Najib said the development of Teluk Datai, with its pristine surrounding and beaches, was ideal to boost Langkawi's position as a premier tourist destination.
Under the plan, The Datai Lang-kawi hotel will expand to include 13 one-bedroom pool villas and one two-bedroom pool villa, while The Golf Club, Datai Bay, will be re-developed into an international golf course to host tournaments.
Najib said the construction of the villas was expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2012, while the golf course would be completed in the third quarter of the same year.
Also in the plan are a 300-room five-star resort, which will be jointly developed with Shangri-La Hotels, a six-star hotel and villas for sale.
Najib said the plan would boost leisure and tourist attractions at Teluk Datai, located northwest of Langkawi and facing the Andaman Sea, to strengthen the bay's position as an international tourist destination.
TDR plans to develop only a fifth of 598ha at Teluk Datai, while the rest, comprising 100,000-year-old rainforests, will be untouched.
TDR engaged Camco South East Asia Ltd (Camco SEA), in which Khazanah has a 5.3 per cent stake, to conduct a sustainability scoping study for the project.
Camco SEA, a green energy expert listed on the AIM London stock exchange, will also design a long-term strategy on rainforest conservation as well as explore opportunities for tie-ups with local partners to conserve land.
Khazanah, in July, acquired a 70 per cent stake in TDR, which owns The Datai Langkawi, The Golf Club and the 598ha at Teluk Datai.
The remaining 30 per cent is held by its founder, Tan Sri Razali Rahman, and Datuk Hassan Abas, through Archipelago Hotels (East) Sdn Bhd.
At the launch, TDR signed an agreement with Shangri-La Malaysia to set up a joint venture to develop the five-star resort. TDR will hold a 51 per cent stake in the company while Shangri-La Malaysia will hold the balance. Shangri-La International Hotel Management Ltd will manage the hotel.
Khazanah executive director (investment) Mohd Nadziruddin Mohd Basri said the development would create about 3,000 jobs.
He said the arrival of more tourists would create more jobs and opportunities for residents.
"We are positive about the project. The returns must be attractive for us to attract the private sector."
He said Khazanah was considering funding options for its investment, including equity partnership and bank borrowings.
AL :-
Its a good news for Langkawi folks. But how do government ensure that the Hotel will create jobs for local folks? If we see randomly throughout the Hotel in Langkawi most of the torism worker come from mainland. It is really crucial to really look into this & I hope this resort expansion really creates job opportunity to Langkawi folks..
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Penerbangan Sewa Khas Finnair Ke Langkawi Ditunda Minggu Depan
Pengurus Pelancongan Lembaga Pembangunan Langkawi (Lada) Megat Shaharul Azman Abas berkata penundaan itu disebabkan oleh faktor yang tidak dapat dielakkan.
AL :-
Baru berkobar2 nak tgk kedatangan pelancong yg baru ni. Jgn tak jadi udah le
Langkawi Link - Vacation Guide

If you wish to get a softcopy of the guide feel free to email me & i'll be happy to email it to you.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Going Places - Jamie Allan Scott ~Cystal Yacht Holidays
In section Biz Talk in the Going Places December 2010 Magazine there's an article about Jamie Allan the founder of Crystal Yacht Holidays. He's a foreigner running a cruise / boat business in Langkawi. Its good to hear the good stories about them & how they fall in Love with Langkawi & living it. I just like the approach by Allan with locals in Langkawi.
To those who wish to use his service you can contact him at here.. Well i wish him good luck in his businnes. Maybe one day i'll try his service.. Who knows..
Kenyataan Wan Azizah terus dikecam ~ NorSaidi Nayan Pemuda UMNO
Terpapar lebih 10 sepanduk dibawa oleh mereka bagi menunjukkan tanda protes.
Kira-kira 20 pegawai polis bertugas sekitar lokasi berkenaan bagi mengawal keselamatan perhimpunan tersebut.
Ketua Pemuda UMNO Langkawi, Norsaidi Nanyan; Ketua Wanita UMNO Langkawi, Mariyam Othman dan wakil Persatuan Seni Silat Bangau Putih, Harun Jasni Ahmad antara yang berucap dalam perhimpunan terbabit.
Norsaidi berkata, PKR yang mempersoalkan Ketuanan Melayu pada dasarnya mereka adalah golongan tidak bersyukur selepas menikmati pembangunan dan keamanan di negara ini.
Menurutnya, antara perkara yang dipersoalkan oleh UMNO adalah tindakan pembangkang memberi kesempatan kepada orang bukan Muslim membaca ayat suci al-Quran dan mempertikaikan Ketuanan Melayu di dalam Fasal 153 Perlembagaan Malaysia.
“Fasal 153 adalah hak Melayu yang tidak boleh digugat manakala membiarkan orang bukan Muslim membaca ayat suci al-Quran adalah satu penghinaan secara halus.
“Mereka sepatutnya bersatu dengan UMNO sebagai rumpun Melayu, mempertahankan hak Melayu dan bersama-sama membangunkan negara ini,” katanya selepas perhimpunan tersebut.
Sinar Harian
AL :-
Jgn sampai jem satu Langkawi sudahla.. Janji mesej sampai kepada mereka..